Bitcoin Additional (BTCa)

BITCOIN ADDITIONAL (BTCа) - Bitcoin Fork on Proof-of-Stake Consensus

The developers of the new cryptocurrency BITCOIN ADDITIONAL have found a solution to the ecological problem. BITCOIN ADDITIONAL will support and complement classic Bitcoin with new transaction processing capabilities and integrate it into trading operations for payment for goods and services. The development team has adapted classic Bitcoin to the needs of the modern world.

A distinctive feature of the new cryptocurrency is the absence of transaction fees, and the "Proof-of-Stake” (PoS) technology underlying its development will solve the problem of electricity consumption. Each BITCOIN ADDITIONAL coin is backed by the classic Bitcoin in a 1:1 ratio.

The BITCOIN ADDITIONAL network uses SHIELD's advanced data protection protocol based on the PoS algorithm. SHIELD allows you to protect user data in accordance with the required standards. Plus, no third-party network participant will be able to obtain information about the amount of the transaction. The SHIELD system provides zero-knowledge transactions: no details are disclosed to prove the validity and reality of the transaction.

 The Proof-of-Stake algorithm underlying the development of BITCOIN ADDITIONAL does not require special equipment and completely replaces mining, making it possible to extract new blocks without using large computing power.  This significantly reduces power consumption and makes BITCOIN ADDITIONAL an environmentally friendly coin.

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