A New Bull Cycle with Trump: Are Cryptocurrencies on the Rise?

Trump — The Crypto President: A New Bull Cycle on the Horizon?

Trump — The Crypto President: A New Bull Cycle on the Horizon?

Trump's Victory = Catalyst for the Start of a New Bull Cycle

Trump has long spoken positively about cryptocurrency and its convenience. "I see more and more people wanting to pay with BTC, and it's interesting. Some regulation will be needed. I could live with that," Trump noted. According to Trump, regulation is necessary before the full implementation of cryptocurrency. At recent conferences, Trump stated that cryptocurrency will play an important role in the country's "technological breakthrough."

The first and probably most important point is the attraction of huge funds from the outside world into cryptocurrency. The introduction of regulatory norms will allow funds to legally invest their money.

The politician plans to speak at the Bitcoin 2024 conference, which will be held on July 27 in Nashville. The main goal of the speech is to attract business oriented towards the crypto sphere and US citizens to his side.

We can already assume that the full adoption of digital assets will cause a huge surge in the market. Since it will become fully legal, millions of people will rush to invest in cryptocurrency. And all this, according to many, can be done by Trump

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